CSIR-IHBT Technology based products available in the market
Ecofriendly process has been developed to extract catechin from mature or low grade teas which otherwise goes waste. Catechin is an antioxidant and highly valued pharmaceutical product.
Tea Concentrates

IHBT has developed tea concentrates from black and green teas with shelf life of six months These concentrates are further converted into ready to drink teas (RTDs) with sugar/ sweeteners, purified water and carbonation. The ready made drinks can be blended with other permitted flavours as per the market demand. These concentrates are rich in tea polyphenols providing protection against cancer, lowers cholesterol, high blood pressure and improves immune function.
Tea Wine

Tea wine has been developed from secondary grade tea. The antioxidant property is retained and organaoleptic evaluation has been conducted over a period of three years. The product is free from harmful microbes and pesticides.
Eco-friendly Processing: A water based process has been standardized for extraction highly pure stevioside from Stevia rebaudiana. The technology is available for transfer. Also, formulation has been developed as a table top sweetener which is an alternative to artificial chemical sweeteners.
Value Added Crispy Fruits
More than 25% of the post harvest losses are seen in fresh fruits such as apple, apricot, sapota and other fruits. Farmers do not get their adequate return due to deterioration in quality during transportation. Value Added Crispy Fruits are made through simple cost effective process technology for preservation of food at low temperature. Crispy fruits retains their near to original texture, taste, aroma and color in addition of having long shelf stability. Refrigeration is not needed to store it.
Refrigeration is not needed to store it.
Can be stored at ambient conditions.
No loss in physical and nutritional value.
Preserved without chemicals.
Ready to Eat pulses inspired by traditional Himachali recipe (Kangri Dham)
Institute has developed a novel process for preparing "Ready to Eat" form of pluses served during Dhams ( lunch served during social functions ). The prepared food does not have any preservatives and remain fresh for atleast 6 months. The technology is available for transfer.
Process has been developed to produce delicious bar from buckwheat. Being gluten free persons having celiac disease can also consume it without problem. The know-how is available for transfer.
Dietary Fibre

Institute has developed and a process for extraction of dietary fibre from apple pomace which is a waste of apple juice industry. The fibre has been tested for its suitability in baking.
Edible colours
IHBT has developed process for production of eco-friendly natural colours in crystalline form from widely available natural sources.
Bamboo products
Selected species of bamboos are nutritionally rich and institute with support from Home science Department of CSKHPKV has developed a wide range of products form bamboos. Regular trainings are imparted to rural women.
Institute focuses on developing agrotechnologies of several medicinal and aromatic plants like Picrorhiza kurroa, Artemisia spp., tagetes, rose, economically important crops like, bamboos, stevia, floriculture crops like carnation, lilum, gladiolus, gerbera, and rose. Good quality planting materials are available(Price List) and complete consultancy and advisory services are rendered for commercial cultivation.
Stevia rebaudiana is 300 times sweeter than sucrose and sweetness is mainly attributed to water soluble white compounds stevioside and rebaudioside. The sweetener is ideal for persons suffering from diabetes, obesity or intending to lose weight by avoiding sugar supplement in diet. The Institute introduced two accessions of Stevia to evaluate production feasibility of this crop under agroclimatic conditions. A complete package of production technology including nursery development, cultivation practices, and processing has been developed. Planting materials have been provided to the farmers of J&K, Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, Uttranchal, & UP. The plant is in high demand and provides better returns.
New improved cultivar: through hybridization and selection approach Institute has developed a novel cultivar of stevia. This cultivar was selected for higher proportion of rebaudioside-A content as compared to stevioside from advanced breeding lines developed from germ plasm core collections through half-sib family selection. Tissue culture protocol has been standardized for mass production and know-how could be transferred to industries.
Eco-friendly Processing: A water based process has been standardized for extraction highly pure stevioside from Stevia rebaudiana. The technology is available for transfer. Also, formulation has been developed as an alternative to artificial chemical sweeteners.
Scented Rose

Scented rose, Rosa damascena is widely known for its high value essential oil. The oil is widely used in perfumery and cosmetics. IHBT has developed two varieties of Damask rose viz. Jwala suitable for cultivation in plain areas and Himroz suitable for cultivation in hilly areas. A complete package of practice has been developed by the Institute and processing technology is also available. High quality planting materials can be procured form the Institute at an economic rates.
Regular training programmes on cultivation and processing technology are organized for entrepreneurs, farmers NGOs and interested persons.
Wild Marigold

Essential oil of Tagetes are used in manufacture of high quality perfumes, in flavour and food industry. Institute is promoting its large scale production. Presence of acyclic monoterpenes ketones and a hydrocarbon makes it a good source of base material for synthesis of value added aroma chemicals. IHBT has developed a constituent oriented production technology package which includes four package of practices to augment the production of Tagetes oil under different farming situations in sub-tropical to temperate climate.
Valeriana jatamansi

Institute has developed a new cultivar (HIMBALA) and package of practice of Valeriana jatamansi. The plant is highly valued for its sedative and tranquilizer properties. Valpotriates available in roots have antitumor activities. The planting material processing technology is available.
Curcuma aromatica

Institute has developed a new cultivar (HIMHALDI) and package of practice of Curcuma aromatica. It is widely used as an antidote to snake bite. The rhizome paste is used for curing indigestion, dysentery etc. The planting material processing technology is available.
Hedychium spicatum
Institute has developed a new cultivar (HIMKACHRI) and package of practice of Hedychium spicatum. The rhizome has carminative and expectorant properties. The planting material processing technology is available.

The cultivar Him Sphurti (CSIR-IHBT-T-01; Kangra selection CEF-02) of china hybrid tea (Camellia sinensis) has been developed by CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology through selection approach. The cultivar has excellent nursery performance both in rooting and early establishment. It is vigorous in growth and has wide adaptability.
List of MAPs

IHBT has introduced several high value flowers in Himachal Pradesh. Regular trainings are being imparted to framers and entrepreneurs. Agrotechnology and quality planting materials are available for Lilies, Gladiolus (developed and patented eight varieties), Bird of paradise, Tuberose, Alstroemeria, carnation and chrysanthemum.
- Novel ornamental rose: Institute has developed novel thornless rose through natural selection. Also an uniquely coloured new variety has been release.
- New cultivar of Gerbera : Two novel varieties with unique colours and florels have been developed.
- Alstroemeria: Institute introduced this crop for the first time in Himachal Pradesh.
- Lilium:This crop is highly successful in H.P. Good quality planting materials are available. Also, tissue culture protocol has been standardised.
A Novel Autoclave Enzyme - SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE (SOD)
IHBT has developed a process for large scale production of highly thermostable enzyme in bioreactor. The enzyme retains it activity even upon autoclaving and can function under temperature ranging from 0-55 degrees centigrade. It has wide scale applications in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry.
Uses- Plant Industry: To raise transgenic plants tolerant to abiotic and biotic stresses.
- Food Industry: To extend shelf life of Processed/un-processed food items such as cooked/packed vegetables, chicken, meat and other items pertaining to the industry.
- Cosmetic Industry: To be included in cream, shampoo, lotion etc.
- Pharmaceutical Industry:
- Extending the shelf life of organelles (cornea/lens)
- Cryopreservation, cryosurgery
- Organelle transplantation
Tissue culture Protocol
Tissue culture is a proven technology to raise large numbers of genetically uniform high quality plants. Through sustained R&D, micropropagation protocolsof several commercially important crops and rare medicinal plants have been developed by the institute. Training, know-how and mother cultures as available for industry. Customized training could also be provided on request. Complete consultancy services are provided for establishment of commercial tissue culture labs. Following protocols are available for transfer:
- Bamboos
- Picrorhizakurroa
- Rosa damascena
- Tea
- Virus free apple root stocks
- Lilum
- Stevia
RNS isolation solution iRIS
A novel solution has been developed which enables extraction of pure RNA in good quantity. The know-how is available for transfer.
Viral Diagnostic Kits
IHBT has developed Nucleic Acid & ELISA based kits for detection of viral infection in plants. Kits developed for Bean yellow mosaic virus, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus, Chrysanthemum virus B, Carnation etched ring virus, Carnation mottle virus, Tomato aspermy virus and Cymbidium mosaic virus. cDNA based probes available for ACLSV, ArMV, AlMV, BYMV, CMV, CarMV, CERV, PNRSV, TAV, TBV etc.
A truck mounted mobile distillation unit has been designed for on-site processing of aromatics and herbals.
Portable, cost effective, eco-friendly distillation unit with batch capacity of 4-5 Kg and 8-10 Kg plant material under water, steam and water & steam distillation. The unit is suitable small and medium farmers, household cottage industries, aromatherpists, Research Institutes, Ayurved units, etc.
In tissue culture operations, laminar flow cabinet is generally bulky and the single most expensive item which prohibits extension of this technique as a cottage industry. IHBT has developed a mini laminar flow. It is small in size, occupies less space and can be used for desktop sterile air applications. Suitable for micro-electronic works, for field activities, demonstration and teaching purposes.
The device ensures un-damaged, intact gel during transfer and transportation of the gel from the device onto the membrane or any other support material. It can be applied in Biotechnology, molecular biology labs, food and pharma companies.
Root induction during hardening of micro-shoots is a pre-requisite for micro-propagation system which is a tricky problem. This culture vessels enables root induction in difficult to root systems like rose and tea employing liquid medium.
Uses:- Large scale handling of micro-shoots
- Use of liquid medium in small quantities reduces costs
- Ease of operations
- Damage to roots is minimized
R&D done at IHBT enabled acceleration of chemical and physical withering of green leaves with six hours (patented) compared to 16hrs. On the basis of this concept MESCO Equipment Pvt. Ltd. designed and developed the machine (jointly patented by MESCO and IHBT). After successfully completing the extensive field trials the machine is now ready for commercial use by tea industry.
Advantage of this machine over the existing systems:- Saves fuel and energy
- Prevent reddening of bruised leaf thereby enhances quality
- Enables manufacture during cooler period providing better control and quality