CSIR-IHBT is committed towards development and transfer of knowledge. The Business Development and Marketing Unit (BDMU) of the institute facilitates the techno-commercial negotiations, contracts and IPR issues, and liasoning with entrepreneurs for technology transfer. Technology Profile Vol ll provides a glimpse of technologies developed by the institute. CSIR-IHBT pays special attention to customer’s needs and satisfaction and offers services by way of contract R &D projects, consultancy, usage of R&D facilities, and training programes for farmers and students. It maintains strict confidentiality with respect to data received from the customers and guarantees data protection under confidentiality agreements.
BDMU facilitates in the regular updating of Price List of R&D products, planting material and analytical services (CSIR-IHBT Technology based products available in the market).
CSIR-IHBT gives special attention for socio-economic impact evaluation of its technologies by third-party. IHBT also monitors levels of satisfaction of its clients through customer’s satisfaction feedback.
CSIR- IHBT also offers consultancy services for:
- Setting up of Tissue Culture units
- Establishment of low cost Acclimatization units for tissue culture industries
- Agro and processing technology for Medicinal and Aromatic plants
- Setting up units for Floriculture enterprises
- Establishment of low cost green house, for floriculture and other commercial crops
- Preparation of techno economic feasibility reports
- Setting up of Food & Nutraceuticals Enterprises (ready to eat Crispy Food, Tea based products etc.)
- Startups/Business incubatees
Inviting EOI for Ready to Transfer Technologies Read More…
For Business / Technology / Marketing

Dr. Sukhjinder Singh
Senior Scientist
Business Development & Marketing Unit
CSIR-IHBT, Post Box No. 6, Palampur (HP - 176061)
Tel.-+91-1894-233339 Ext.393, 94181-43470
E-mail: ,