Senior Scientist
Algal Biotechnology
Bioprospection of freshwater, marine and alpine microalage towards bioactives and value added products
Development of cultivation methods and downstream processes for microalgal metabolites production
Utilization of microalgae biomass as functional foods
Development of Ready to Eat food products for targeted nutritional applications
2008 CSIR Junior Research Fellow for carrying out PhD
2014 Awarded with International Travel Grant by DST-SERB to present research paper at 5th Congress of International Society of Applied Phycology (ISAP) at Sydney, Australia
V.S. Chauhan, A. Kumudha, G.V. Swarnalatha, M.D. Kavitha, S. Vidyashankar, G.A. Ravishankar, R. Sarada. A composition and method to control rotifer infestation in microalgal culture system. (1787/DEL/2012), India, filed on 11th June 2012.