Biotechnology (Bioinformatics)
Senior Principal Scientist
Bioinformatics, Next Gen Sequencing, High performance computing
01894-233339 Ext. 384
Our major work is related to computational genomics, systems and network biology, Big Data solutions and high performance computing. The lab has proven record in the most advanced research areas like Deep-Learning and NGS. We have the reputation of being one of the pioneer labs in the area of next gen sequencing solutions in the country. The major amount of focus is given upon the algorithmic solutions, giving new theories based on which novel software development is also done.
The Studio currently has following infrastructure:
1) Two High Performance more than 250 cores and ~100 TB storage based cluster servers.
2) Three high ends rack servers, 3 high end tower servers.
3) Fleet of 10 high end workstations having Tesla K20/40/nVidia RTX A5000 GPUs and with at least 32 cores, 24 TB storage each and 256GB to 1 TB RAM.
4) Seamless 1GB Internet connectivity
5) Uninterrupted power supply with four 10 KVa
6) Dedicated 350 TB personal network storage.
7) AMD Epyc based 64 cores, 1 TB RAM, ~200 TB storage server system.
***********Total Research Grants/Funded Projects Achieved So far: 10*******
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Honors and awards:
∏ NIH, USA Project Research Fellow at GIRI, Mountainview, California.
∏ CSIR-NET-2000 qualified.
∏ GATE-2000 qualified.
∏ DBT fellowship for PGAD Bioifnormatics from JNU.
∏ DST INSA Indo-Australia fellowship (2012).
∏ DST/SERB Young Scientist Fast track grant award(2012).
∏ CDC Member and Mentor for Bioinformatics, Central University HP.
∏ Coordinator, AcSIR Bioinformatics Programmes.
∏ Ex-Dean, AcSIR-IHBT.
∏ Nominated as UGC ENCORE faculty in Bioinformatics at Univ of Jammu.
∏ University Exams Topper for all the three years of BSc, Univ. of Delhi (1994-97).
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PhDs Successfully Guided Towards Completion:
1) Dr. Nitesh Kumar Sharma (2016-2020) (Joined University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
3) Dr. Indu Gangwar (2012-17) (Joined IIT Madras)
3) Dr. Ashwani Jha ( 2012-15) (Joined Jsponer's Lab, Michael Smith Lab, Canada)
4) Dr. Mrigaya Mehra (2011-16) ( Joined Hancock's lab, University of British Columbia, Canada)
5) Dr. Vandna Chawla (2011-16) (Joined DuPont)
6) Dr. Upendra Pradhan (2017-2021) (Joined IASRI,ICAR)
7) Dr. Ajay Kumar (2017- 2018) (Joined ICAR)
8) Dr. Ganesh Panzade (2014-18) (Joined Kansas State University, USA)
9) Dr. Prakash Kumar (2018-2023 (Thesis submitted), Jan 2024 awarded) (Joined ICAR-IASRI as Scientist)
10) Ritu (Viva awaited)