Survey, Mapping and Database development on plant resources of western Himalaya;
Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing;
Astha Gupta, Sanjay Kr. Uniyal, Meenakshi, Amit Kumar and R. D. Singh, 2016, Designing and developing a Bioresource Information Centre for Floral Resources of Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya, Current Science, 111(5):808-814.
Amit Kumar, Vandana Kumari Chauhan, Sunil Kumar and R. D. Singh, 2016, Relevance of Satellite Derived Net Primary Productivity Data in Monitoring of Protected Areas in Indian Western Himalaya, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 15(4): 1-24.
Anirudh Verma, Sunil Kumar, Mustaqeem Ahmed, Amit Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Uniyal, 2015, HIMADRI site in Himachal Pradesh (Chansal), ENVIS Newsletter on Himalayan Ecology, 12(2): 5.
Amit Kumar and Benidhar Deshmukh, 2015, A Review on ‘Geo-ecological Studies’ - An Interdisciplinary Approach for Evaluation and Sustainable Management of ‘Geo-ecosystems’, Journal of geological Society of India, 86, 605-612.
Sunil Kumar, Meenakshi, Gopal Das Bairagi, Vandana and Amit Kumar, 2015, Identifying triggers for forest fire and assessing fire susceptibility of forests in Indian western Himalaya using geospatial techniques, Natural Hazards, 78:203–217.
Amit Kumar, 2014, Integrated drainage morphometry, RUSLE and landscape patch analysis for characterization and prioritization of Baner river watershed in Kangra region of Himachal Himalaya using geo-informatics, National workshop on status of natural hazards in Himachal Pradesh (NHHP-14), Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Sahpur,6-8 November 2014, p 44.
Amit Kumar, 2014, CSIR-IHBT Utilizing Geospatial Techniques for Survey, Mapping and Database Development on Bioresources of Western Himalaya, CSIR News, 64(11 &12): 124-126.
Amit Kumar and Ravinder Dhiman, 2014, Manual and automated delineation of watershed boundaries– a case study of Kangra region of western Himalaya, India, International Journal Of Environmental Sciences, 5(1): 16-22.
Amit Kumar, Mamta Devi and Benidhar Deshmukh, 2014, Integrated Remote Sensing And Geographic Information System Based RUSLE Modelling For Estimation Of Soil Loss In Western Himalaya, India, Water Resources Management, 28:3307–3317.
Amit Kumar, S. K. Uniyal, Meenakshi, R. D. Singh, P. S. Ahuja, 2014, Digitizing information for wider reach through 'him-Padap-Sanklan', an e-inventory of Himalayan flora, Computational Ecology and Software, 4(3): 183-192.
Amit Kumar, K. N. Singh, Brij Lal, Amit Chawla, S. K. Uniyal, Rajesh Kaushal, R. D. Singh and P. S. Ahuja, 2014, Regeneration Pattern of Tree Species in Forested Landscapes of Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalayan Region, India, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci., 84(3):695–707.
Sunil Kumar, Amit Kumar and P. S. Ahuja, 2014, Himachal Pradesh mein vanaspatiyon evum vano ke pravandhan ke liye sudoor samedan evum GIS ka upyog, Vigyan Pragati, February 2014, 27-30.
K. R. Manjunath, Amit Kumar, Meenakshi, Renu, S. K. Uniyal, R. D. Singh, P. S. Ahuja, S. S. Ray and S. Panigrahy, 2014, Developing Spectral Library of Major Plant Species of Western Himalayas Using Ground Observations, Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 42(1), 201-216.
Amit Kumar, Ravinder Dhiman and Benidhar Deshmukh, 2013, Morphometric analysis of watersheds of Kangra region of Indian Himalaya for assessing its fluvial erosion susceptibility, Journal of Himalayan Geology, 35(1), 47-55.
Vikrant Jaryan, A. Datta, S. K. Uniyal, Amit Kumar, R. C. Gupta and R. D. Singh, 2013, Modelling potential distribution of Sapium sebiferum – an invasive tree species in Western Himalaya, Current Science, 105(09), 1282-87.
Vikrant Jaryan, S. K. Uniyal, Amit Kumar, R. C. Gupta, Om Parkash and R. D. Singh, 2013, Distribution Characteristics of Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb. - An Invasive Tree Species in Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya, Proc Indian natn Sci Acad, 79(2), 215-234.
Amit Kumar, Meenakshi Chauhan Vandana Kumari and Singh RD, 2013, KSIS - A Web Based Information System on Bioresources of Kangra Region of Indian Western Himalaya, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 13(2),1-6.
Amit Kumar, Brij Lal, S. Rajkumar, Amit Chawla and Rajesh Kaushal, 2013, Landscape mapping and tree diversity assessment of Pangi valley: a remote tribal area of Himachal Pradesh in western Himalaya, India, International journal of Conservation Science, 4(4): 503-508.
Amit Kumar, K. R. Manjunath, Meenakshi, Renu, R. K. Sud, R. D. Singh and S. Panigrahy, 2013, Field Hyperspectral data analysis for discriminating spectral behavior of tea plantations under various management practices, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 23 352–359.
Vikrant Jaryan, S. K. Uniyal, Amit Kumar, R. C. Gupta and R. D. Singh, 2012, Extent of occurrence and area of occupancy of tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum): Using the red list criteria for documenting invasive species expanse, National Academy Science Letters, 36:85-91.
Amit Kumar, 2012, Landuse landcover mapping, Manual of summer training programme on geospatial technologies and applications, Centre for Geo-informatics, CSKHPKV, Palampur, H. P., 105-114.
Amit Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Uniyal and R.D. Singh, 2012, Land use and land cover patterns of Indian Western Himalaya In V. L. Chopra ed. Climate Change and its Ecological Implications for the Western Himalaya, Scientific Publishers (India), 49-77.
Amit Chawla, Pawan K. Yadav, Sanjay K. Uniyal, Amit Kumar, S. K. vats, Sanjay Kumar and P. S. Ahuja, 2012, Long term ecological and biodiversity monitoring in the western Himalaya using satellite remote sensing, Current Science, 102(8), 1143-1156.
Vandana Kumari Chauhan, Ruchika Acharya, Amit Kumar and R. D. Singh, 2012, Application of Remote Sensing in studying forest cover conditions of protected areas in Himachal Pradesh, India, Proceeding of Indian Geospatial Forum 2012, Abstract P-60.
Amit Chawla, Amit Kumar, R. D. Singh and Ashwani Kumar Thukral, 2012, Ecological characterization of high altitude Himalayan landscapes in the upper Satluj river watershed in Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, India, Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 40(3):519–539.
Amit Kumar, Amit Chawla and S. Rajkumar, 2011, Characterization of Solang valley watershed in western Himalaya for bio-resource conservation using remote sensing techniques, Environment Monitoring Assessment, 179, 469–478.
Sanjay Kr. Uniyal and Amit Kumar, 2011, Charcoal making: going green with black, Current Science, 100 (1), 9.
Alka Kumari, Om parkash, Amit Kumar, S. K. Uniyal,Gopichand, Brij lal and R.D. Singh, 2010, Ferns and fern allies of IHBT campus, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, Indian Fern Journal, 27 : 53-64.
Gopichand, R. D. Singh, R. L. Meena, K. N. Singh and Amit Kumar, 2010, Effect of plant growth regulators on germination of seed of Rheum australe D. Don., The Indian Forester, 136: 1503-1507.
Amit Chawla, Amit Kumar, S. Rajkumar, R. D. Singh, A K Thukral and P. S .Ahuja, 2010, Correlation of Multispectral Satellite data with plant diversity vis-à-vis Soil characterization in a landscape of western Himalayan region, India, Applied Remote Sensing, 1 (1), 1-13.
Amit Kumar, Meenakshi, Sanjay Kr. Uniyal, BrijLal, Amit Chawla, S. Rajkumar and P. S. Ahuja, 2010, HimFlorIS- an information system for flora in Himachal Pradesh, India, Current Science, 99 (1), 98-101.
Vikrant Jaryan, Sanjay Kr. Uniyal, Gopichand, R. D. Singh, BrijLal, Amit Kumar and Varun Sharma, 2010, Role of traditional conservation practice, highlighting the importance of Shivbari sacred grove in biodiversity conservation, Environmentalist, 30, 101-110.
Gopichand, R. D. Singh, Amit Kumar, Ramjee Lal Meena and P. S. Ahuja, 2009, Current status of Ginkgo Biloba L. in India, The Indian Foresters, 135 (11), 1588-1593.
Amit Kumar, K. N. Singh, BrijLal and R. D. Singh. 2008, Mapping of Apple orchards in cold desert of Himachal Pradesh, India using Remote sensing techniques, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 36 (4):387-92.
Amit Kumar. 2008, Rediscovering Bamboo: A Remote Sensing and GIS perspective, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, 022501 (DOI: 10.1117/1.3010736]
Amit Kumar and S. K. Uniyal, 2008, Distribution pattern of Dendrocalamus strictus in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, India, Journal of Bamboo and Rattan, 7 (3&4), 211-217.
K. N. Singh, Gopichand, Amit Kumar, BrijLal and N. P. Todaria, 2008, Species Diversity and Population Status of Threatened Plants in Different Landscape Elements of the Rohtang Pass, Western Himalaya, Journal of Mountain Science, 5, 73-78.
Brijlal, R. D. Singh, S. K. Uniyal, Amit Kumar and P. S. Ahuja, 2007, Himachal Pradesh ki Vanaspatiyon ka samajik evum arthik mehatwa, Rastriya Sangosthi Vartman Sandarv mein Jaiv Vividhta ka mehatawa, NBRI, Lucknow.
Amit chawla, S. Rajkumar, K. N. Singh, BrijLal, Amit Kumar and A .K. Thukral, 2007, Geo-spatial mapping of higher plant species distribution in Bhabha valley in western Himalaya, Map world forum 2007.
Amit Kumar, 2007, Groundwater management using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System techniques, Water and Environment Workshop, Global Hydro-geological Solutions, New Delhi.
Amit Kumar, Sanjay Kr. Uniyal and BrijLal. 2007. Stratification of Forest Density and its validation by NDVI analysis in a part of Western Himalayas, India using Remote Sensing & GIS Techniques, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor & Francis, UK, 28 (11): 2485-95.
Sanjay Kr. Uniyal, Amit Kumar, BrijLal and R. D. Singh, 2005, Quantitative assessment and traditional uses of high value medicinal plants in Chhota Bhangal area of Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya, Current Science, 91(9): 1238-42.
Sanjay Kr. Uniyal, Brij Lal, Amit Kumar, 2005. Mass mortality of livestock in the high altitude areas of western Himalaya, Current Science, 88(4): 534-535.