Pal PK, Mahajan, M (2017). Tillage system and organic mulch influence leaf biomass, steviol glycoside yield and soil health under sub-temperate conditions. Industrial Crops & Products 104 (2017) 33–44.
Pal PK, Mahajan, M (2017). Pruning System and Foliar Application of MgSO4 Alter Yield and Secondary Metabolite Profile of Rosa damascena under Rainfed Acidic Conditions. Front. Plant Sci. 8:507. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00507.
Pal PK, Kumar R, Guleria V, Mahajan M, Prasad R, Pathania V, Gill BS, Singh D, Gopichand, Singh B, Singh RD, Ahuja PS (2015). Crop-ecology and nutritional variability influence growth and secondary metabolites of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. BMC Plant Biology 15 (1): 67.
Pal PK, Mahajan M, Prasad R, Pathania V, Singh B, Ahuja PS (2015). Harvesting regimes to optimize yield and quality in annual and perennial Stevia rebaudiana under sub-temperate conditions. Industrial Crops and Products 65: 556-564.
Pal PK, Agnihotri VK, Gopichand, Singh RD (2013). Impact of level and timing of pruning on flower yield and secondary metabolites profile of Rosa damascena under western Himalayan region. Industrial Crops and Products 52: 219-227
Pal PK, Prasad R, V Pathania (2013). Effect of decapitation and nutrient applications on shoot branching, yield, and accumulation of secondary metabolites in leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. Journal of Plant Physiology 170: 1526-1535.
Pal PK, Singh RD, Prasad R (2012). Non-destructive estimation of chlorophyll and nitrogen content in leaf of Rosa damascena (Mill). Soil Science and Plant Nutrient 58: 604-610.